Vanessa: “When a space of love is created, everything is allowed. My spaces, which are so much more than (tantra) massage.

* Sensing, feeling, being
* sensual, relaxed time for you
* devotion & presence
* trust & acceptance

My sessions can open up unimagined feeling spaces in you, reconnect you with yourself, release blockages and allow transformation to happen.
With my whole being, I give you space to be yourself, to develop, to feel new and yourself again. I approach every encounter with curiosity & joy of life and you are invited to feel comfortable. I am happy to accompany you during a tantra massage, and 2plus1 massages (with your partner) are also very welcome. A special highlight for me is the touch coaching.

Tantra massage can also support you during challenging life situations (e.g. change of residence/job, desire to have children, pregnancy, separation, loss of loved ones).
Every question and uncertainty is welcome.
Let yourself be touched.”

Vanessa offers massage on

14. – 16.08.2024
26. – 28.08.2024
11. – 13.09.2024
24. – 26.09.2024
15. – 17.10.2024
28. – 30.10.2024

Vanessa is a freelance tantra masseuse.

Languages: German, English