Lutz:„My tantra massage is an invitation to really feel connected, with every inch of your body and in every corner of your being.
During my massage, I exist only for you, to accept everything you need in this moment, and to be open to everything that might come up. There is nothing „to be done“, no goal to be accomplished, neither by me, nor by the person I am allowed to touch tenderly and carefully.
I accept you, just as you are. I adore you! Learn to accept your insecurities, even your fears and forget body standards. Every human being is beautyful and unique.
My massage is an invitation for you to enjoy being and feeling yourself, to forget your daily hassles and let go of things that prevent you from feeling good right now.“
Lutz offers massage on demand anytime for men, women and couples.
For sure on these days:
Lutz is a Certified Tantra Massage Therapist TMV® (Training according to the criteria of the Tantra Massage Association).
Languages: German